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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

First Still LIfe in my Life

The first thing I did was to gesso the canvas.

After that i toned the canvas with a light layer of Burnt Sienna, to cover up the white on the canvas.

Then i started to outline where the diffrent thing in my pinting would go. Giving each the propper shape and height so that they can be filled in later with the needed colors.

I used the colors Cerulean Blue Hue, Cadmium Red Hue, Titanium White, Franch Ultramarine, Cadmium Yellow Hue, Yellow Ochre, and Permanent Alizarin Crimson to give the first touches to my painting. Mixing the different colors to TRY and achieve the hue I wanted.

Now I started working on my center picture. Instead of painting the actual letters in the word Cowgirl, I painted the dark places around each letter. Next I colored in my lady. Not wanting to give her a lot of detail, sense she is not the main focus of the painting. Then I got my tea pot a little closer to my desired color.
Next I put in my ribbon. After that I colored in my books, the little Indian on the left, tried to get the right color on my cup however it turned out way to blue. I also put the darks and lights on the tea pot.

Next I filled in the colors on the skull; finding the shadows and lighter places. The I put in the background colors and the table top colors, I also put some shadows on the background wear the page curled up. I also started on coloring in my other little toys.


Finally I completed the painting!!!! I got each item to the color shade I wanted and the light and dark sides. I also added a few more marbles. All in all, for a first try, I am very pleased!!!!




  1. check spelling: Style, proper
    so far, so good!

  2. Glad to see photos and descriptions. Good! would also like to see some of the things that I have been saying about the rules of oil painting, design, how to use brushes...etc. It will help you in the final to have these things at your finger tips. take a look at frannie's blog
